Callum Campbell
Callum Campbell is a dispute resolution practitioner and founder/director of Mutual Mediations, a nationwide dispute resolution practice specialising in mediation, conflict resolution and interest based practices. He consults to Universities, law firms, financial institutions, non-profit organisations, governments and businesses large and small.
Callum has taught and coached mediation at such institutions as the University of Queensland, Bond University, Griffiths University and Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolution (LEADR).
He has completed an Advanced Negotiation course at Harvard Law School and obtained post graduate qualifications in Dispute Management Law, as well as holding degrees in Law and Commerce. Callum helps organisations, governments and individuals to build their capacity to manage relationships, negotiations and conflict (with suppliers, customers, alliance partners, cross-matrix teams) in ways to create, rather than destroy value.
Callum’s clients include Local, State and Federal Government agencies, in addition to local councils, private organisations and the not-for-profit sector. He has mediated powerful political disputes, board meetings and million dollar commercial transactions, and was appointed by the Federal Government to facilitate/mediate the conflict surrounding the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.
He is a registered solicitor and a mediator in the Supreme, District and Magistrates courts of Queensland, as well as a conciliator for the Federal Magistrates Court. Callum is also a qualified adjudicator for the Queensland Building and Construction industry and an experienced youth justice convenor with the department of Communities and the Magistrates Courts for young offenders. Callum also sits on numerous Indigenous Land Councils as a mediator, and has mediated over 400 disputes ranging form Family, Employment, Industrial Relations, Administrative, Contract, Property and Corporate disputes to Franchising, Information Technology, Construction, Workplace Health & Safety, Trade Practices, Intellectual Property, and Educational environments. Callum is also an experienced Dispute System Designer and implementer of practices and procedures to deal with and minimise conflict.
Callum Campbell
Mediator; Negotiator; Conciliator; Solicitor; Dispute Systems Designer; Adjudicator, Youth Justice Convenor, Facilitator
B.Com (Uni of Qld)
LLB (Uni of Qld)
GDipLaws Dispute Management Law (Uni of Qld)
Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation Advanced Negotiation
LEADER accredited mediator
University of Queensland Mediation Training Course;
Mediation Skills Training Certificate - QUT ;
Certificate IV Small Business Management (Qld)
ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Experience:
Mediator - Federal Govt to facilitate a resolution of Aboriginal
Tent Embassy issues. Mediation Coach - University of Queensland
(UQ)/Bond University. Guest Lecturer UQ/Griffith MBA program.
Actively mediated and participated in over 400 Mediations
in all areas of commercial and workplace sector and family
disputes. Dispute areas dealt with include; Family; Employment;
Industrial Relations; Administrative; Contract; Property;
Corporate; Franchising; Information Technology; Construction;
Workplace Health & Safety; Trade Practices; Intellectual
Property; Construction;
Other Relevant experience:
Supreme/District/Magistrates Courts of Queensland Approved
Supreme Court of Queensland - Admission as a Solicitor
Federal Government mediator/facilitator Aboriginal
Tent Embassy dispute
Federal Magistrates Court Family Law Conciliator
Federal Government - Office of the Mediation Adviser
panellist member
Federal Government Australian Customs Service
panellist mediator
Federal Government Office of the Mediation Advisor
panel member
Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency
Panellist Mediator
Queensland Government Queensland Transport Panellist
Queensland Government Queensland Health Panellist
Queensland Government Communities Department
Youth Justice Convenor
Legal Aid Queenslands Chairpersons Panel - conferencing
Crown Solicitors Office Native Title Section
Mediation experts register
Brisbane City Council specialist services/mediator
Redcliffe City Council Panellist Mediator
Maroochy Shire Council Panellist Alternative
Dispute Resolution
Education Queensland panellist mediator
Adjudicate Today - adjudicator
Kimberley Land Council panellist mediator
North Qld Land Council Native Title Representative Body
mediation consultant
Queensland South Representative Body Aboriginal Corporation
panellist mediator
Torres Strait Regional Authority panel mediator
Gurang Land Council panel mediator
Relationships Australia sessional mediator
Associate to the Honourable Justice B.H. McPherson CBE
Qld Court of Appeal
Minter Ellison Lawyers 2002; Flower & Hart Solicitors
1998 1999